The Power of Yantra (Sacred Geometry)

Yantras are powerful tools to experience your own divine capacity.

A yantra is a soul diagram, a hidden energy structure. The mantras, yantras, and shastras, will change human beings and their sat chakras in a beautiful way to become strong healers. Any saint, any person, who wants to win spirituality, has to go through the doors of mantra and yantra. Prayers are like a fuel in your flight. Yantra is like the pilot steering your flight. To suck high cosmic energy and be able to hold that, you need power objects and divine pictures and yantras in your room. - Sri Kaleshwar

A yantra is a form of sacred geometry, a drawing with precise lines, shapes and relationships between the various parts. There are specific mantras related to some yantras, and some yantras stand alone without associated mantras. Yantras may be very simple, for example the cross/crucifix, though many are very complex. Yantras once created (and charged at a fire puja) automatically open a 'channel' of divine energy.

Yantras are 'soul diagrams' or 'soul homes,' a representation of the form divine energy takes as it passes from the infinite formless into our world of form. Every aspect of God, and each individual soul, has its unique yantra. It is a soul logo.

Yantras from the palm leaf manuscripts are soul diagrams with the highest divine energy. The vibrations yantras generate work powerfully on all of your chakras. High healing vibrations flow from a charged yantra, continually uplifting and protecting you wherever it is placed. The yantra continuously generate healing vibrations wherever they are. For millennia, the spiritual masters in India used yantras to pull cosmic energy into their soul and their environment, creating protection circles and awakening the chakras.

Yantras can be drawn/etched into metal creating a power object that will continuously bring the blessing and supportive energy of the particular yantra into any environment it is placed. Gold is the most powerful metal to create metal yantras, next most powerful is silver, then copper.

The yantras of the Parameshwari Yoga manuscript drawn on metal bring powerful healing, creative, and protection energies to any location it is in. Click here more information about charged yantras on metal.

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